Saturday, April 26, 2008
Saturday, April 12, 2008
Perpignan (F) @ El Mediator

Eight o' clock; everybody's up. The night was short, we only had a couple hours of sleep. We have to be at Perpignan (South of France) at 2 p.m for the soundcheck and we stil got some to drive.
This time again I'd sleep during almost the whole "journey", only opening an eye or so for the "gas-cig-food-bathroom" stops (random order).
We eventually arrived at El Mediator only an hour late compared to the schedule.We join three quarters of the guys from SATURNE ( a band from Perpignan) who set up tonight's show.
Then we quickly put the gear on stage, the venue is quite big and there's a real stage, bad news is that it's too small for us 6 to fit on it. Tonight we'll play on the floor again. Th sound engineer is pretty cool and the soundcheck is not a big deal.
As we're all more tired than ever, nobody wants to do anything too actively. We'll just surf the web with our friends CHARLY FIASCO. We just found out we had the same taste for crappy music, so we share our latest discoveries and most appreciated crappy bands.
The show starts with the guys from PARCEL BOMB, they play some good old punk-rock sung in French, kinda similar to the bands from Guerilla asso. The venue now has a hundred kids audience. The guys from CHARLY FIASCO followed, they were actually renamed RAOUL CIRCUS by Belzu and his legendary memory... Their music is refreshing, full of humour, they played their straightforward punk-rock for our listenning pleasure!!
Then it's our turn. We start giving like 50 to 60%, the day after big parties are definitely not FREYGOLO's best days. We're getting into the show little by little and we finally give our "full potential". All in all we did a good show, the audience is really into the show and the athmosphere is good tonight. We 'l end up in a climax covering The crowd with the guys from CHARLY FIASCO doing the back-up vocals.
Almost like every last show we'll go back home straight after the show, We don't hang around that much, say goodbye to everyone and we're back on the road again !
This time again I'd sleep during almost the whole "journey", only opening an eye or so for the "gas-cig-food-bathroom" stops (random order).
We eventually arrived at El Mediator only an hour late compared to the schedule.We join three quarters of the guys from SATURNE ( a band from Perpignan) who set up tonight's show.
Then we quickly put the gear on stage, the venue is quite big and there's a real stage, bad news is that it's too small for us 6 to fit on it. Tonight we'll play on the floor again. Th sound engineer is pretty cool and the soundcheck is not a big deal.
As we're all more tired than ever, nobody wants to do anything too actively. We'll just surf the web with our friends CHARLY FIASCO. We just found out we had the same taste for crappy music, so we share our latest discoveries and most appreciated crappy bands.
The show starts with the guys from PARCEL BOMB, they play some good old punk-rock sung in French, kinda similar to the bands from Guerilla asso. The venue now has a hundred kids audience. The guys from CHARLY FIASCO followed, they were actually renamed RAOUL CIRCUS by Belzu and his legendary memory... Their music is refreshing, full of humour, they played their straightforward punk-rock for our listenning pleasure!!
Then it's our turn. We start giving like 50 to 60%, the day after big parties are definitely not FREYGOLO's best days. We're getting into the show little by little and we finally give our "full potential". All in all we did a good show, the audience is really into the show and the athmosphere is good tonight. We 'l end up in a climax covering The crowd with the guys from CHARLY FIASCO doing the back-up vocals.
Almost like every last show we'll go back home straight after the show, We don't hang around that much, say goodbye to everyone and we're back on the road again !

Friday, April 11, 2008
Bordeaux (F) @ El Inca

It's about time to leave, if I were young, with wide shoulders, and an inborn sense for reggae melodies and an ear-ring that seem to come straight from the most glorious days of piracy, I could have sing " on the road again"... Instead of that I'll try and get myself as comfortable as I can in the van and sleep some more. I fell asleep under Albi's rainy sky and woke up under sunshining Bordeaux's sky.
As sometimes things couldn't be any more perfect, we arrived at the same time as Tomy-Tom, one of the kid of the associtaion that put up tonight's show for us. The "El Inca" is a small bar in the center city of Bordeaux. We 're gonna play in a basement tonight. It's tiny but cool. We unload the van, set up the gears, souncheck quickly, then we go sightseeing a bit.
When we come back, the gigs are about to start. The bar is crowded with 80 guys, let's say that considering the size of the place it's pretty crowded. The guys from FKN are opening, I have to admitt that I haven't seen the show, I was way more busy trying the local habits which consists in eating peanuts and throwing away the shell. When I go downstairs, SWEAT BABY SWEAT are playing. Sounds like a mix of rock and a bit of stoner, those guys play very well, and they already have lots of fans completely devoted to them.
Eventually it's our turn... feedback... 1-2-3-4... here we go for 45 minutes of energic show. It's really cool to play on the floor, in the middle of the crowd; it's even cooler 'cause the athmosphere is really cool. Lots of guys know the songs and sing along, really good vibes. We end up playing that good ol' "Wasting My Time Again".
Quickly the basement is empty, but there are quite some people upstairs at the bar to make the evening last a little longer. We'll do just like them to get our 3 free drinks and to learn more about Nicko-Nick 's (the 3rd fellow of the Hell punk rock view association) love life. We'll leave at 3:oo am, after several scoops and wise pieces of advice. Some of us went to Franky-Frank's house and some others to Tomy-Tom's. It's now 4:oo am, eventually we are all going to bed.
Thursday, April 10, 2008
Albi (F) @ Campus fest

We were in Paris yesterday morning to shoot a TV show and we took advantage of the afternoon off to drive and get closer to Albi ( south west of France). That's why, we only only have a 100 km to drive this morning.
We arrived at about 1:00 pm. The fest takes place in Albi's University campus, a quick look around and I suddenly realize that we are in the middle of a "eco-warrior-hippie-another-world-is-possible" meeting with hardcore recycling guys. People pisses on haycock, takes a shit in sawdust, and only uses unicycle to move... It's truely a bit confusing at first, but the hundred or so volunteers here deeply believe in it and are really nice guys, so we'll play by their rules with pleasure.
The afternoon goes by quite fast between expeditious soundcheck, touring stories with our buddies from DIRTY FONZY, organic beers and rain in torrents. The hours that separate us from the show always seem to last forever when we soundcheck early in the afternoon.The show kicks off, an electro band, a theatrical interlude, 2 fire-eaters, 4 jugglers later, it's now 9:15pm and we're climbing up on stage. The rain eventually stopped and the big top is crowded as fuck. We're starting, it's really cold but the atmosphere is getting warmer... We are well received, people are gently pogoing, and asking for more... There's even that guy that wants us to get naked, it's funny 'cause there's at least one guy like him in each town, it just seems like the night there's no guy like him, you're almost missing something!!!
Due to the schedule, we quickly leave the place for the other bands. I don't remember at all the band that played right after us, but I do remember the FONZY"s performance at home. What a show!
We hang around after the show to have a couple of drinks, then we leave direction Guillaume's ( singer of the band CONDKOI) house to spend the night there. Again we have a couple of drinks, and eventually go to bed at around 3:00am.

The afternoon goes by quite fast between expeditious soundcheck, touring stories with our buddies from DIRTY FONZY, organic beers and rain in torrents. The hours that separate us from the show always seem to last forever when we soundcheck early in the afternoon.The show kicks off, an electro band, a theatrical interlude, 2 fire-eaters, 4 jugglers later, it's now 9:15pm and we're climbing up on stage. The rain eventually stopped and the big top is crowded as fuck. We're starting, it's really cold but the atmosphere is getting warmer... We are well received, people are gently pogoing, and asking for more... There's even that guy that wants us to get naked, it's funny 'cause there's at least one guy like him in each town, it just seems like the night there's no guy like him, you're almost missing something!!!
Due to the schedule, we quickly leave the place for the other bands. I don't remember at all the band that played right after us, but I do remember the FONZY"s performance at home. What a show!
We hang around after the show to have a couple of drinks, then we leave direction Guillaume's ( singer of the band CONDKOI) house to spend the night there. Again we have a couple of drinks, and eventually go to bed at around 3:00am.

Saturday, April 05, 2008
Cannes (F) @ Mjc Picaud
Our latest gig in the dpt was way back in July and our latest gig was in December, that gives us 2 good reasons to look forward to that show in Picaud where we arrived at approximately 5.oo pm.
It's funny because we had one of our fisrt show in that same venue. A heaps of good memories are coming back to my mind... bullshit the so called show was a crappy battle of the band where we lost against a neo metal band that wasn't even good and that may have called it quits back in 1998...
Our friends from ISP are already there, accompanied with the legendary ( as legendary as his newly hairdo dyed in red ) video clip director David BASSO. We say hi to everyone and we go to the soundcheck.There things are a bit slower, Toto wants to show why he's paid a huge salary ( = oo bucks ) tonight and is pretty demanding toward our sound.
Once the soundcheck is done, the guys from ISP take us to appear on their new video, the plot is a kinda punk karaoke in which a lot of bands are gonna have a sentence to sing. We sing ours sorta brilliantly... To be honest it's pure nonsense, I don't know what it's gonna look like once everything will be done, but David and ISP look quite happy!!
In the meanwhile the guys from BURNING HEADS arrived, we eat altogether, then it's already time to go on stage.
The Mjc Picaud is crowded with 150/200 youngsters. One day a prophet from Antibes ( basically a city near Nice, our hometown) declared in his infinite wiseness: " It's great to play far from home", as far as I'm concerned I think it's good to play in our hometown too. The audience moves, some sing alongs there, the room is filled with friends and common faces, everyone is happy and we are too!!
We let ISP go up on stage. I m' now part of the audience to watch the show. It smells like sweat, guys are spitting on themselves, a very huge Punk hxc show just like back in the days!
Eventually the BURNING HEADS are up on stage. I'm not a huge fan of many bands, but come on! They are BURNING HEADS for christ's sake!!! Their show starts over energitically and slow down a bit just to play a couple of good ol' reggae songs. A fantastic setlist, hits only tonight. There's nothing to say, they'll always be the best punk-rockers made in France, and I'm glad they are !
It's funny because we had one of our fisrt show in that same venue. A heaps of good memories are coming back to my mind... bullshit the so called show was a crappy battle of the band where we lost against a neo metal band that wasn't even good and that may have called it quits back in 1998...
Our friends from ISP are already there, accompanied with the legendary ( as legendary as his newly hairdo dyed in red ) video clip director David BASSO. We say hi to everyone and we go to the soundcheck.There things are a bit slower, Toto wants to show why he's paid a huge salary ( = oo bucks ) tonight and is pretty demanding toward our sound.
Once the soundcheck is done, the guys from ISP take us to appear on their new video, the plot is a kinda punk karaoke in which a lot of bands are gonna have a sentence to sing. We sing ours sorta brilliantly... To be honest it's pure nonsense, I don't know what it's gonna look like once everything will be done, but David and ISP look quite happy!!
In the meanwhile the guys from BURNING HEADS arrived, we eat altogether, then it's already time to go on stage.
The Mjc Picaud is crowded with 150/200 youngsters. One day a prophet from Antibes ( basically a city near Nice, our hometown) declared in his infinite wiseness: " It's great to play far from home", as far as I'm concerned I think it's good to play in our hometown too. The audience moves, some sing alongs there, the room is filled with friends and common faces, everyone is happy and we are too!!
We let ISP go up on stage. I m' now part of the audience to watch the show. It smells like sweat, guys are spitting on themselves, a very huge Punk hxc show just like back in the days!
Eventually the BURNING HEADS are up on stage. I'm not a huge fan of many bands, but come on! They are BURNING HEADS for christ's sake!!! Their show starts over energitically and slow down a bit just to play a couple of good ol' reggae songs. A fantastic setlist, hits only tonight. There's nothing to say, they'll always be the best punk-rockers made in France, and I'm glad they are !