Bordeaux (F) @ El Inca

It's about time to leave, if I were young, with wide shoulders, and an inborn sense for reggae melodies and an ear-ring that seem to come straight from the most glorious days of piracy, I could have sing " on the road again"... Instead of that I'll try and get myself as comfortable as I can in the van and sleep some more. I fell asleep under Albi's rainy sky and woke up under sunshining Bordeaux's sky.
As sometimes things couldn't be any more perfect, we arrived at the same time as Tomy-Tom, one of the kid of the associtaion that put up tonight's show for us. The "El Inca" is a small bar in the center city of Bordeaux. We 're gonna play in a basement tonight. It's tiny but cool. We unload the van, set up the gears, souncheck quickly, then we go sightseeing a bit.
When we come back, the gigs are about to start. The bar is crowded with 80 guys, let's say that considering the size of the place it's pretty crowded. The guys from FKN are opening, I have to admitt that I haven't seen the show, I was way more busy trying the local habits which consists in eating peanuts and throwing away the shell. When I go downstairs, SWEAT BABY SWEAT are playing. Sounds like a mix of rock and a bit of stoner, those guys play very well, and they already have lots of fans completely devoted to them.
Eventually it's our turn... feedback... 1-2-3-4... here we go for 45 minutes of energic show. It's really cool to play on the floor, in the middle of the crowd; it's even cooler 'cause the athmosphere is really cool. Lots of guys know the songs and sing along, really good vibes. We end up playing that good ol' "Wasting My Time Again".
Quickly the basement is empty, but there are quite some people upstairs at the bar to make the evening last a little longer. We'll do just like them to get our 3 free drinks and to learn more about Nicko-Nick 's (the 3rd fellow of the Hell punk rock view association) love life. We'll leave at 3:oo am, after several scoops and wise pieces of advice. Some of us went to Franky-Frank's house and some others to Tomy-Tom's. It's now 4:oo am, eventually we are all going to bed.
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