West Wego, La (Usa) @ Mvc

We arrived in Louisiana during the morning that day. We're staying at Georges's, the guitarist of one of the bands we're playing with tonight. His house looks as kitsh as can be! Everyone is exhausted and throw their sleeping bags wherever they can to get some rest. As for me, after I went to the bathroom to wet the velvet curtain of the shower, I found myself some room by the tester bed of some unknown guy's room. And as Georges's mom requested, I carefully watch out not to make any scratches on the wooden floor with the zip of my sleeping bag...
Later on that morning The SHILLING figured out a way to practice in the living room, they wanted to get some MURDER MAJESTY songs into their show to please their fans, since they had to cancel the tour. We just fucked around a bit, we didn't want to go out out and face the local heat and humidity, then it was time to go.
I don't know whether the van is freaking slow whether the distance estimation was totally wrong, but all I know is that the 45minute drive turned into a 3 hour drive....
West Wego is a small town west from the Mississippi, we got there by the end of the afternoon and the show already kicked off. This place is rather "countryside-ish", it consists in a field with: in a middle of it a "cabin" that apparently is a tattoo shop, and on its left, on the yard, a covered part with underneath, what looks like the stage. It soon got time for us to play because many bands have cancelled that night. Tonight again we 're not gonna soundcheck, we only have 5 minutes to set up our gear and try n' sound good...There is a lot of people tonight, the athmosphere is really good but unfortunately we put up a shitty show: lots of mistakes and we were not into the show at all.
Nobody wanted to stay here too long so we loaded the trailer and decided to go to New Orleans. Georges directly took us to Bourbon street in the French Quarter; it looks like a pedestrianized street packed with tourists, bars, restaurants, and strip clubs. That's the kind of place where you party 24 hours a day! We stayed there a couple hours, got some beers and fell the athmosphere, then we went back to Georges's house.
Later on that morning The SHILLING figured out a way to practice in the living room, they wanted to get some MURDER MAJESTY songs into their show to please their fans, since they had to cancel the tour. We just fucked around a bit, we didn't want to go out out and face the local heat and humidity, then it was time to go.
I don't know whether the van is freaking slow whether the distance estimation was totally wrong, but all I know is that the 45minute drive turned into a 3 hour drive....
West Wego is a small town west from the Mississippi, we got there by the end of the afternoon and the show already kicked off. This place is rather "countryside-ish", it consists in a field with: in a middle of it a "cabin" that apparently is a tattoo shop, and on its left, on the yard, a covered part with underneath, what looks like the stage. It soon got time for us to play because many bands have cancelled that night. Tonight again we 're not gonna soundcheck, we only have 5 minutes to set up our gear and try n' sound good...There is a lot of people tonight, the athmosphere is really good but unfortunately we put up a shitty show: lots of mistakes and we were not into the show at all.
Nobody wanted to stay here too long so we loaded the trailer and decided to go to New Orleans. Georges directly took us to Bourbon street in the French Quarter; it looks like a pedestrianized street packed with tourists, bars, restaurants, and strip clubs. That's the kind of place where you party 24 hours a day! We stayed there a couple hours, got some beers and fell the athmosphere, then we went back to Georges's house.

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