Houston, Tx (Usa) @ The White Swan

9 o'clock in the morning, and one hell of a mess is waking me up. I barely open an eye, still feeling too sleepy and what do I see? Shane and Mike fighting. It looks like the overnight thinking only lead to a fight...
As Shelco was weary of counting the points and convinced the situation could only got worse, he decided to take a plane ticket on the first flight to Vegas this morning. The tour ending up there for Murder Majesty, they decided to "fire" Mike and get him a ride to the airport along with Shelco... Mike, on a funnier note, decided to slash the tires of the van....
I really feel like I'm on a tv prank show, and expecting Ashton Kutcher to come out of nowhere shouting "you just got punk'd"... but it's real. Everything must come to an end, so there it is: bye bye Mike!
On one hand, I actually am thinking we're gonna have more room in the van, on an other hand, the athmosphere is grimmer now. I'm pretty pissed off that Shelco left so soon too... But as one moustache man who wasn't that much into dental care said: "The show must go on"... we load the van, say goodbye to the Buzzkillers, we're out to Houston!!
I didn't pay attention to anything at all during the 4 hour drive and slept the whole way through. The club is located in a sorta "ghetto" part of Houston. It's now 5:oo pm and there's really nothing to do before the show. We spotted out a Subway a little further in the street, so we decided to get our first meal of the day there.
Back to the club, it looks like the promoter did a good advertising job as there's quite some guys here. The first bands are playing, we're staying in the backyard sipping some beers, and we noticed that in general the athmosphere is more relaxed now that Mike's gone.
It eventually is our turn to play, we're lacking some room on stage to feel at ease, but a bunch of crazy guys are giving us enough energy to put up a good gig. The SHILLING, that played right after us, put up a good show too. The day ended up in a smoother way that it started, but I can't complain about it! Then, we loaded the trailer and left later on that night .

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