Tokyo Shinjuku (Jp) @ Antiknock

Yesterday has been quite tiring. Leaving Nagoya at 8am, after a 5 hour rainy trip we got to Tokyo by early afternoon. After a genuine laundry, we walked through Shinjuku visiting everything we could: temples, getting panoramic views from top of skyscrapers, walking through the center city... Then we finally ended up the evening at the Tower Records to see an acoustic show of our friends from AUTHORITY ZERO. We 're getting along with them better and better and you can tell seeing how the parties go on !
This morning is free time, everyone's waking up whenever they want. Then we're all meeting at the Antiknock club for the soundcheck. This is another cool small club, about a 200 people capacity, a great stage: not so high wide enough. Again, the audio equipment is way too big for the place, let's put it that way, it's like putting the audio equipment of the Olympia ( a big venue in Paris ) in my toilet... the result is a really loud sound but this time a bit crappy too, the bass amp is cracking and the kick is so loud that everytime Belzu's playing it's putting my guts upside down.
This morning is free time, everyone's waking up whenever they want. Then we're all meeting at the Antiknock club for the soundcheck. This is another cool small club, about a 200 people capacity, a great stage: not so high wide enough. Again, the audio equipment is way too big for the place, let's put it that way, it's like putting the audio equipment of the Olympia ( a big venue in Paris ) in my toilet... the result is a really loud sound but this time a bit crappy too, the bass amp is cracking and the kick is so loud that everytime Belzu's playing it's putting my guts upside down.
It's still raining over Tokyo, we spend the rest of the afternoon at the hotel just fucking around. I missed the 3/4th of the bands by the time I got back to the venue and it's so crowded down there I can't even take a look at the last band playing before us. Here we go, we're starting to play and it's starting really well, kinda like Nagoya. The audience is reacting just fine and is giving us all the energy we need.We end up the show by the OPERATION IVY's cover " The Crowd" featuring the drummer from DON'T TURN AWAY doing the backing vocals. Amazing show tonight.
After the show, we're all going to a restaurant to drink some sake bomb to warm up us just fine for a anthology-like hold them poker game, which is gonna make collateral damage as the bets are glasses of sake... He doesn't want to admit it but I'm quite sure Jayson ended up the game feeling sick!!

After the show, we're all going to a restaurant to drink some sake bomb to warm up us just fine for a anthology-like hold them poker game, which is gonna make collateral damage as the bets are glasses of sake... He doesn't want to admit it but I'm quite sure Jayson ended up the game feeling sick!!