Saturday, April 21, 2007
Saturday, April 14, 2007
Terrassa (E) @ Egara 66

Waking up at noon, not feeling so good. Nonetheless the hotel we spent the night in is located in Terrassa, the city we're playing tonight, so we're gonna have plenty of time to recover our strength.
We're killing time looking for snacks, debriefing last night show, and having a nap... and after that it's time to go to the venue. The god GPS being out of order, we go back to the old -following the Mappy directions- method ... well, we got lost. Manu, the one who's booking the show, came to pick us up and we arrive to the Egara 66 club. I've never learnt spanish whatsoever and I could be wrong but seeing the decoration I'm starting to wonder if "Egara 66" wouldn't mean "Road 66" ... It seems like a biker's club down there !! The bar owner welcomes us cheerfully, he's all smiling, speaks french and is offering drinks to us right when we arrive. We don't need more to crown him king of the night !!
A few drinks later we souncheck and start to realize that the PA problem the youngsters from XOKOHOLIKS told us earlier is a really great issue... to make a long story short you can't hear the voices. Some tricks to set up the PA were done but in the end it is not that good.
The show starts and contrary to what the staff foresaw, the venue is pretty crowded. The first two bands play and then it's our turn.
This show might have been a great one considering the enthusiasm of the audience for it, that was without counting on the PA, which wasn't really good from the start, and that basically self-destruct before the middle of the show...
There's nothing more to say, just that this ruined the show and that it's a shame the price of the entrance was 8 euros for such sound system conditions.
We ended up the show the best we could, we loaded the van again and went to the hotel to knock back a few beers before hitting the road again tomorrow morning.

Friday, April 13, 2007
Barcelona (E) @ CC Boca Nord

Our finances being in bad shape, Mika's ( the boss of VERSUS) finest free party van is going to save the day once more. The vehicle still hasn't got any seatbelts, and smells like gasoline more than ever, but it can drive pretty well , that's all we need !!
We leave at 8 in the morning, drive the 700 kilometers to Barcelona in more or less 8 hours ... We easily find the venue because Totof lately bought a GPS. The venue is part of a big leisure complex for the youths. The venue is pretty good, not too big neither too small, it has a capacity of 350 people maximum I'd say. We soundcheck quickly, then we hang around drinking beers in the room just aside. We're all tired and the rain that's coming down outside is not helping to drag ourselves out of the laziness.
There starts the show, the first bands play, and we talk a bit with our fans from Barcelona. The youngsters in here really like FREYGOLO and they want us to know it !! We're asked for a countless number of photos, the merchandizing table is crowded and I just burst out laughing when I see Totof, the tour manager, sign some autographs.
We finally get to play at 11: oo pm. The athmosphere is great from the first chords we strum to the last ones of the show. The new songs fit in very well in the set, and the energy is there on stage and also in the pit. It gives me such a thrill to hear that half the venue is singing along our songs ... Is the audience from Barcelona the best ever ??? Well I don't know, anyways MUCHAS GRACIAS (THANK YOU VERY MUCH) for this awesome night !!! Then, we let the stage to the German guys of NOT AVAILABLE. The show kicks off with "welcome" and I'm almost crying thinking about my younger years listenning to them. They're on stage equals to whom they are backstage: very nice; and they are here to party more than to perform the best show in the world ... Anyway it's working perfectly, they set the Boca Nord on fire!! We don't hang out that much, load the van again , and head to the hotel ... See ya tomorrow