Strasbourg (F) @ Le Molodoï

It’s 6 o’ clock in the morning, I’m shivering....anyway today we’re going to Strasbourg ( F ). We got a long way to go, today we’re gonna have a long day. We are using the van Versus ( the tour booking agency) rent for the Feverish tour, during the whole week. The van is like 8 meters long, has got a cd player, a T.V, and a playstation... what class!! Well almost, it’s just that the T.V doesn’t work, playing video games thus becomes a bit tricky !!!
Nevermind, we make a detour to St Etienne ( where the headquarter of the renting agency is ), to get the T.V fixed... We wasted 2 hours for that, if you add those 2 to the hour we wasted driving around in Strasbourg, we reach a sweet total amount of 13 hour drive. One thing I forgot to say is that we were supposed to souncheck at 4p.m, let’s say we’re not going to do it ...
The Molodoï is a large venue, but today “Les Défrockès” ( the guys who put up the show for us), set up a stage in the middle of the venue reducing the size of the venue by 2/3. That’s not a bad thing, the bar stands right aside the stage, it looks like we’re in a small club.
We quickly eat, then we play some texas hold ’em poker backstage to pass the time before we get on stage. I go and watch KURU play and talk a bit with Vava who plays in the REBEL ASSHOLES that came to say hi.
It’s our turn to play now, as we haven’t got enough room on stage, Remi, Nico and I will play on the floor. After a quick linecheck we start with the intro... it sounds like shit, the audience treats us coldly ...It’s not gonna to be easy tonight. Eventually we played an average set, without any outrageous mistakes or moments of glory. We ended up the evening at Jaloul’s from the band KURU who is our kind host for tonight. As far as I’m concerned I went to bed almost immediately, exhausted after the day we spent driving.
Nevermind, we make a detour to St Etienne ( where the headquarter of the renting agency is ), to get the T.V fixed... We wasted 2 hours for that, if you add those 2 to the hour we wasted driving around in Strasbourg, we reach a sweet total amount of 13 hour drive. One thing I forgot to say is that we were supposed to souncheck at 4p.m, let’s say we’re not going to do it ...
The Molodoï is a large venue, but today “Les Défrockès” ( the guys who put up the show for us), set up a stage in the middle of the venue reducing the size of the venue by 2/3. That’s not a bad thing, the bar stands right aside the stage, it looks like we’re in a small club.
We quickly eat, then we play some texas hold ’em poker backstage to pass the time before we get on stage. I go and watch KURU play and talk a bit with Vava who plays in the REBEL ASSHOLES that came to say hi.
It’s our turn to play now, as we haven’t got enough room on stage, Remi, Nico and I will play on the floor. After a quick linecheck we start with the intro... it sounds like shit, the audience treats us coldly ...It’s not gonna to be easy tonight. Eventually we played an average set, without any outrageous mistakes or moments of glory. We ended up the evening at Jaloul’s from the band KURU who is our kind host for tonight. As far as I’m concerned I went to bed almost immediately, exhausted after the day we spent driving.
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