St Etienne ( F ) @ The Pub Fiction

Today is the kick-off of our last shows for the “Time To Drop The Gun “ tour. There’s like about 8 more shows to come before we take a break so that we can release the new record.
Metting at 13pm at the rehearsal room, we load the van and then we’re “on the road again!!” The van we rent has only got 6 seats so we downsized the staff to its minimum ( the 6 members of freygolo) to go to St Etienne. Except the endless traffic jam at Givors and the directions in St Etienne that did not fit the changes of direction of the traffic due to some roadworks, the journey is fine... We turn up only 1 hour late in the crime scene ...
For the second time there we meet Nassim, the sweet guy who put up the show for us , and our friends from WHITECARD and THE PANTHER PARTY. The pub is as big as my room and the floor’s tiled, speaking of the size it’s pretty cool the gig‘s gonna have a convivial aspect but speaking of the tiles it’s less cool because it’s gonna reverberate the sound all over the place... anyways we ‘ll care about that just before we play; no need to soundcheck, we’re getting hungry so it’s about time we taste the local food speciality: the donner kebab.
The stomach full of ketchup and mayonnaise, I watch THE PANTHER PARTY concert, a brilliant emo pop band, it’s the 3rd time we play with them and I can’t get enough of it .
Then it’s our turn to play, after a quick soundcheck wich lasts like...hum...30 seconds...
1-2-3-4 let’s go ! The pub is crowded the floor turned into a ice skating place due to the condensation and the crowd is gently pogoing. There’s a very good athmosphere here tonight, but the bouncer doesn’t seem to enjoy himself maybe because we play football/soccer with the pub’s kinda disco ball ( you know that old balls like from the 80s’ that you hang on the ceilling and the little mirrors on it reflect the lights from your coloured spots ), disco ball accidentally taken off the ceilling by Rémi ( the trombone player). We play 4 new songs in our set just to see if they can make it live, “Good for nothing” and “She tries to be someone” are really making it tonight contrary to the other 2 new songs ... We end up the show at 11:30, the barman offer me a fresh beer and is happy that we stopped just on time because the cops showed up, apparently we played so loud that we shook the walls of the neighbours’ above !!
We finaly ended up at Guillaume PANTHER’s house where we talked about an hour or two and drank a few beers and then we went to sleep pretty exhausted, 3 slept at Guillaume’s place and 3 others at Lolo’s PARTY house.
We got a long way to go tomorrow ...
Metting at 13pm at the rehearsal room, we load the van and then we’re “on the road again!!” The van we rent has only got 6 seats so we downsized the staff to its minimum ( the 6 members of freygolo) to go to St Etienne. Except the endless traffic jam at Givors and the directions in St Etienne that did not fit the changes of direction of the traffic due to some roadworks, the journey is fine... We turn up only 1 hour late in the crime scene ...
For the second time there we meet Nassim, the sweet guy who put up the show for us , and our friends from WHITECARD and THE PANTHER PARTY. The pub is as big as my room and the floor’s tiled, speaking of the size it’s pretty cool the gig‘s gonna have a convivial aspect but speaking of the tiles it’s less cool because it’s gonna reverberate the sound all over the place... anyways we ‘ll care about that just before we play; no need to soundcheck, we’re getting hungry so it’s about time we taste the local food speciality: the donner kebab.
The stomach full of ketchup and mayonnaise, I watch THE PANTHER PARTY concert, a brilliant emo pop band, it’s the 3rd time we play with them and I can’t get enough of it .
Then it’s our turn to play, after a quick soundcheck wich lasts like...hum...30 seconds...
1-2-3-4 let’s go ! The pub is crowded the floor turned into a ice skating place due to the condensation and the crowd is gently pogoing. There’s a very good athmosphere here tonight, but the bouncer doesn’t seem to enjoy himself maybe because we play football/soccer with the pub’s kinda disco ball ( you know that old balls like from the 80s’ that you hang on the ceilling and the little mirrors on it reflect the lights from your coloured spots ), disco ball accidentally taken off the ceilling by Rémi ( the trombone player). We play 4 new songs in our set just to see if they can make it live, “Good for nothing” and “She tries to be someone” are really making it tonight contrary to the other 2 new songs ... We end up the show at 11:30, the barman offer me a fresh beer and is happy that we stopped just on time because the cops showed up, apparently we played so loud that we shook the walls of the neighbours’ above !!
We finaly ended up at Guillaume PANTHER’s house where we talked about an hour or two and drank a few beers and then we went to sleep pretty exhausted, 3 slept at Guillaume’s place and 3 others at Lolo’s PARTY house.
We got a long way to go tomorrow ...
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