Montreux (CH) @ Le Ned

There's always a day that sucks in every tour, I feel like this is today... After a gig in Lille ( north of France) that won't go down on history and a stop in Paris to get our new record that is actually in the Netherlands ( but, don't worry, you 'll get it tonight, we'll send it directly to the venue!!)... Destination Montreux in Switzerland!!
The journey lasts forever, and as the decay of the van wasn't enough to slow us down, the customs officers decide to arrest us too. We get arrested twice in 40 kilometers. We 're starting to get it very well:" Listen guys , we know you got some drugs, so just hand us out everything and we won't waste time searching the van..." Well you guys'll have to search then !!
As a result of all those hiccups we arrive to the Ned in the beginning of the evening, it's already too late to soundcheck, we'll just make a line-check before we play. Of course our record hasn't arrived to Yvo's place ( the promoter of the show), Yvo that very kindly explain to us that we should get it by tomorrow... Whatever, we're getting bored of this situation, we wait patiently till the gig starts.
Here is what a guy from a local webzine thought of our show:
"It's about 00:20, it's about time for Freygolo to go up on stage, I was expecting a great show and they didn't prove me wrong!! The set list is good. They play their best songs, "Nothing to Do", "Frustrated Market", "Inside Conflict's Toys"... A very good choice of the songs in the set list even though there weren't many new songs, but I have to say that their new record wasn't available this night. On an other hand the guys are jumping around, One of the guitar player is restless, going back and forth on stage, going to the monitor, playing with his guitar behind his head... An amazing gig that shows the band hasn't lost its explosive live performance of the beginning."
After the show we hang around a bit to drink a couple of beers with the guys from TIME WILL TELL, then we go back to the hotel, a little sleep might be appreciated.
The journey lasts forever, and as the decay of the van wasn't enough to slow us down, the customs officers decide to arrest us too. We get arrested twice in 40 kilometers. We 're starting to get it very well:" Listen guys , we know you got some drugs, so just hand us out everything and we won't waste time searching the van..." Well you guys'll have to search then !!
As a result of all those hiccups we arrive to the Ned in the beginning of the evening, it's already too late to soundcheck, we'll just make a line-check before we play. Of course our record hasn't arrived to Yvo's place ( the promoter of the show), Yvo that very kindly explain to us that we should get it by tomorrow... Whatever, we're getting bored of this situation, we wait patiently till the gig starts.
Here is what a guy from a local webzine thought of our show:
"It's about 00:20, it's about time for Freygolo to go up on stage, I was expecting a great show and they didn't prove me wrong!! The set list is good. They play their best songs, "Nothing to Do", "Frustrated Market", "Inside Conflict's Toys"... A very good choice of the songs in the set list even though there weren't many new songs, but I have to say that their new record wasn't available this night. On an other hand the guys are jumping around, One of the guitar player is restless, going back and forth on stage, going to the monitor, playing with his guitar behind his head... An amazing gig that shows the band hasn't lost its explosive live performance of the beginning."
After the show we hang around a bit to drink a couple of beers with the guys from TIME WILL TELL, then we go back to the hotel, a little sleep might be appreciated.
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