Tonnay Boutonne (F) @ Puyro'Mania

I've noticed that those long journeys make the motor heats up as well as the i-pods the nintendo DS and most of all belzu's ass... It's about time we get there!!!!
Tonight we play in a festival with a dozen bands which are going to play on 2 separate stages. There's a small stage outside, we're gonnay play on the big one located in the gymnasium. As we happen to be there a bit late to soundcheck, we ll just linecheck. We quickly unload the van, taking great care in avoiding to put the gears on dead little birds fallen from the roof, then we go to the holiday village, where we're gonna spend the night, to rest a bit before the show . We're back at 8:30. We eat a paella... And we go on stage. It's not so hard to motivate the 400 or so guys in the crowd. Everyone seems to have a good time and it's our best show since a long time.
After the show we hang out a couple of hours then we load the van back, we're all tired, the journey tired us all.
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